Wednesday 25 February 2009

Gunite Pools: Why They Are So Popular

Gunite is a pneumatically applied concrete with superior strength, up to 6000-7000 psi. Gunite has been used to build inground swimming pools for over 30 years and its superiority to do the job is unequaled. Gunite has been used to create Olympic competition pools as well as the inground swimming pool at the White House, in which the president takes his morning laps.

Contractors and homeowners alike prefer gunite because gunite inground pools can be built to any design and shape and lend themselves especially well to the homeowner with a vision. If you have a unique oasis in mind, your gunite pool builder can assist you with blueprinting the design and offer suggestions for creating a gunite deck as well as gunite pool.

Your gunite pool professional will also assist you in choosing other items to fulfill the vision you have for your gunite inground pool; such as fountains, streams and landscaping.

Gunite lends itself especially well to free-form pools, decks and steps. For instance you might want a flowing shape with graceful curves in your steps as well as your gunite pool. The gunite steps and pool can then be encrusted with colorful pebbles or natural stone. Gunite can also be colored, stamped, embedded with a design etc.

The options are limited only by your imagination. For example, you might want a stream flowing over rocks into your pool so that you can envision yourself in a wild secluded glen where there are no worries, jobs and daily stresses. With the help of your gunite contractor you can realize that dream with a harmonizing landscape to surround your gunite inground pool.

Dream a while and discuss ideas for your gunite swimming pool with your family. A good starting place is to have each family member list one or two things that they would like in their gunite inground pool and private oasis. This gives you a place to begin when you are starting to interview gunite contractors.

Excavation is necessary with the installation of a gunite pool; the entire process from start to finish, normally takes 8-12 weeks. Be sure that your contractor is a member of the APSP (Association of Pool and Spa Professionals).

The addition of a gunite inground swimming pool to your home is a superb investment in your health, as swimming is a wonderful form of exercise for your entire body. Swimming in your gunite pool will build long, lean muscles and give you a wonderful cardiovascular workout.

For many doctors and physical therapist, swimming is the exercise of choice, because it doesn't put pressure on joints and you don't have to be swimming, per say, to enjoy a superior workout. You can jog in place in your gunite inground pool or simply move your arms back and forth through the water to enjoy the benefits of natural water resistance.

Perhaps the best part of having a gunite inground swimming pool at your home is its accessibility. You can come home from work, slip on your suit or not, and walk out your back door to your own private oasis to take a refreshing dip in your beautiful gunite pool before dinner. In the morning or during the day you can put the baby down for a nap, take the baby monitor out to your very own inground pool and exercise without worry.

A gunite inground pool also does wonders for your property value as it is the highest quality pool available.

Sunday 22 February 2009

Get the Best Swimming Pool to Fulfill Your Dreams

Having a swimming pool at your home can be the most fulfilling feelings you can give to yourself. You can shed off your day's tensions and worries by taking a quick dip into your exercise pool and get hours of relaxation and fun.

Options of Pool:-

Normally swimming pools are of two basic types: above-ground pools and inground pools. Get the one that suits your tastes and needs. Swimming pools are available in a variety of different materials, giving you ample options to choose from. You can choose anything from fiberglass, concrete, aggregate finish, tile or vinyl-lined pools to realize your dreams.

You must consider the size or shape of your pool to get the most suitable swimming pool to give you the ultimate pleasure of relaxation and fun. If you want to add swim laps into your swimming pools, you will require a long pool. If you want to entertain, you'll need some non-pool space (such as a deck) and shade. If you want a pool to just relax, a smaller model may be adequate.

Features of a swimming pool:-

Swimming pools come in different formats and features catering to different needs and requirements. You can add personalized heaters into your pool to make it really useable. Heaters are useful fro those swimming pool, which are installed in cooler climates. Many homeowners turn off the heater in the warmer months to save on the utility bill.

One of the important things to keep in mind is the filtration system of your swimming pool. Having a good filtration system keeps the water clean. Also, it is important to check the proper chemical balances so that contamination can be averted. therefore it's also advisable to use a water testing kit. It gives a good indication of when you need temporary treatment, and when a pool service professional is needed.

Myself author of a hot tub resource planning guide for swimming pool. Get online information of swimming pool manufacturers and accessories.

Wednesday 18 February 2009

Know This When Replacing Swimming Pool Filters

Keeping your swimming pool filters properly serviced is the key to having clean, healthy, sparkling water in your pool or spa. The best way to determine that your filter needs service is to watch the pressure. When the pressure rises 8 to 10 psi above the baseline it is time for pool maintenance. Cloudy water is another sure sign that your filter needs maintenance.

Safety should always be the first consideration when replacing or cleaning your swimming pool filter, especially those filters that are fitted with pressure-clamps. These pressure-clamps can "blow" under certain circumstances, causing property damage, severe injuries and in the worst cases, death. Always consult the manufacturer's guidelines before performing maintenance on your filter.

The first thing to do when replacing or performing maintenance on your filter is to turn off the electricity to the swimming pool and pump; after the pump has been turned off, open the pressure release valve and when there hissing sound stops you are ready to proceed.

There are three types of filters: sand, DE (diatomaceous earth), and cartridge and they can be either pressure or vacuum pool filters. Depending upon the type of filter you have, there are several ways to perform the required pool maintenance.

First check to see what brand of swimming pool filter you have. Some of the more popular brands are Sherlok, Pentair, Jacuzzi, Super-flo, Jandy and Sta-Rite. It is always wise to spend the few extra dollars and buy the brand-name filter that matches your pump. This ensures that your warranty will not be compromised should you run into trouble with the replacement filter while performing normal pool maintenance.

Sand filter: with proper pool maintenance a sand filter can give you years of trouble-free service. Backwashing is the correct method for cleaning a sand swimming pool filter. This is done by reversing the water flow through the filter and redirecting the waste water to the sewer or waste water line. Most manufacturers recommend a 2-3 minute backwash. It is important not to restart the pump right away as the sand needs time to settle. Check you manufacturer's instruction manual for the step-by-step procedure before beginning maintenance on your filter.

DE filter: DE swimming pool filters require an in-depth cleaning once a year and periodic back-washes throughout the season to perform satisfactory pool maintenance. See manufacturer's directions.

Cartridge Filter: After turning off the electricity to the pump and swimming pool, and releasing the pressure valve, you simply remove the retaining band, lift the lid and remove the cartridge. Hose off the cartridge, examine the pleats and hose off any debris stuck between them. If extensive dirt and oil have accumulated you should soak the cartridge for an hour or two in a solution of trisodium phosphate (1 cup to 5 gallons water) and muriatic acid (1 cup to 5 gallons water). After soaking remove the cartridge from the cleaning solution and scrub. Hose off well before reassembling your swimming pool filter.

Saturday 14 February 2009

5 Reasons To Get An Inflatable Pool In Your Backyard

As the weather changes and flowers begin to bloom, it is time to blow up your Inflatable pool and have some fun. More and more families are turning to inflatable swimming pools because of the convenience and cost efficiency over a concrete pool. And with the wide variety of sizes and shapes, there is plenty of fun in the sun to be had. Here are 5 reasons why you will want an inflatable pool in your backyard.

1. Cheap
If you are looking to provide your kids with a fun activity in the backyard without spending an arm and a leg, inflatable pools are the way to go. Concrete pools can cost you thousands of dollars to renovate in the backyard, but inflatable swimming pools can run anywhere between $15 to a few hundred dollars. The price difference all depends on the size you want to purchase.

2. Options
Inflatable pools come in all different sizes, shapes and colors allowing you to purchase a pool that works best in your backyard. Because of the wide variety of pools on the market, you can plan accordingly and purchase a pool that will fit wherever you want to put it.

3. Lightweight
Perhaps the biggest benefit to having an inflatable pool over a concrete pool is that it is lightweight and can be moved whenever you want. If you are planning a barbeque for the weekend, you can move the pool wherever you want it to go. This gives you flexibility and allows you to use your backyard for other things as oppose to having a pool take over your entire backyard.

4. Deflate
Going along with the statement above, inflatable swimming pools can obviously be deflated and stored away. This way if you are having a barbeque with many guests, you can take down the pool and clear up more space in the backyard. This also comes in handy when the weather changes and it begins to get colder outside.

5. Not permanent
When you get a concrete pool, there are many costly excavations that make it permanent to the house. If you change your mind a few months down the road, there is not much you can do about it. With an inflatable pool, you have the ability to deflate it and store it away or pull it out when the sun is shining on the backyard. It is far from being permanent making it an easier decision of whether or not to purchase one.

Inflatable swimming pools can be fun for the entire family, although they are extremely popular among kids. With the many options available, you can find pool sizes for kids and adults. And because of this, inflatable pools have become one of the top summer selling items on the market.

Wednesday 11 February 2009

Fiberglass Swimming Pool - Better Quality Than You Think

There are many different types of swimming pools that one can choose from, and one of those is to go with the fiberglass swimming pool. Fiberglass pools are manufactured (and installed) as large molded structures that are then placed in the ground. The large "bucket" is then surrounded by a strong reinforcement, like the more conventional concrete, which will then help it keep its place.

Fiberglass swimming pools don't have a liner because the shell is sprayed with a specially designed coating. A wide range of models with different sizes, colors and shapes are available in pools made out of fiberglass, and allow the type of variety that many consumers love. One of the great benefits that is credited to fiberglass pools is that that are very easy and quick to install, even with the need for heavy equipment. Maintenance is also a relatively simple process, since there will never be a liner replacement, and in general, fiberglass swimming pools will need less chemicals to keep clean than other models.

While fiberglass swimming pools require less maintenance, they do require certain maintenance to ensure that they are not damaged or in need of greater repairs and upkeep down the line. Unlike other swimming pools, fiberglass swimming pools MUST be filled with water at all times to avoid causing structural damage through cracking or buckling. This is due to ground pressure that occurs because of improper drainage. If for some reason the pool absolutely needs to be drained, do not do it on your own! Make absolutely sure to contact the pool manufacturer and qualified professionals. You don't want to damage such a large investment!

Other factors to keep in mind is to avoid the "bathtub ring" effect of grime. Not only does this look bad, but this could damage the coatings. Most pool supply stores should sell pool tile cleaner that can take care of that in a jiffy. As an important side note, never use abrasive cleaners or harsh tools like steel wool or metal scrapers to clean fiberglass. This type of treatment will permanently damage the gel coating in the pool.

While the fiberglass pool may seem to develop hairline cracks over time, this is not a major concern since this is only indicative of the surface gel, and not actual structural damage. Dirt is always a concern, and should be brushed towards the main drain and the vacuumed out with the appropriate tool.

The fiberglass swimming pool has its advantages and disadvantages like many other swimming pools. For some this may not be a good choice, while for others the fiberglass swimming pool may be exactly what they have been looking for.

Sunday 8 February 2009

Swimming Pool Pumps Keep Your Water Clean and Fresh

Swimming pool pumps are some of the most important tools around for the maintenance and upkeep of pools. If you are going to spend the large amount of money that it costs to invest in a pool, than obviously you want to protect that investment. Who wouldn't? To keep it clean and functioning, one of the most important pieces of equipment you will have to keep in full working order is the pump.

A swimming pool pump is a mechanical device that works with the filter to maintain your pool's cleanliness. Pool pumps are offered in a large selection with many different sizes and pumping capabilities, depending on your specific needs. Some are designed for smaller above ground pools and spas, while others are designed for "in-ground" pools. No matter what type you have, there is a pump designed to do the job of keeping your pool both clean and safe.

A pool pump works by taking water from the pool, running it through a basket, and then through the filter, in order to trap as much debris and dirt as possible. The pump then sends the cleansed water back into the pool, minus dirt and debris, thereby keeping the water much cleaner than it would otherwise be. A pump can have multiple speeds and different power levels, once again depending on design and function.

Every pump has a certain capability level that lets you know how much water it can circulate. It is absolutely critical to note the pump's circulation ability and see how much it can pump either by the minute or by the hour. One general rule of thumb that many pool owners use is that a residential pool should be able to circulate its entire water contents in ten hours or less.

Another similar aspect that is important to look at is the energy efficiency of the pump as well as any warranty coverage to figure out the best deal. Pumps can vary widely in price. They can be found from as low as $50 to as high as over $500. You want to make sure to get the best combination of effectiveness and cost for your pool.

Swimming pool pumps are a necessary part of maintenance. They are just as necessary as filters or chemicals. If you don't have any idea what type of a pump your pool needs, then don't be afraid to ask! That's what the experts are there for. Know the model and make of your pool, and write down any other information you think could be relevant to help them know what you should be looking for. This will help the people at the pool supply find you exactly the swimming pool pump you need, and with the proper pump you will be able to more fully enjoy the wonderful benefits of your pool.

Thursday 5 February 2009

Swimming Pool Filter Supplies: Necessary For A Clean And Healthy Pool

If you are planning on installing a pool or spa then you will also need to make sure you use quality swimming pool filter supplies amongst other things. Often people only think that they need water but there are lots of other accessories that are needed to keep your pool or spa in perfect condition and swimming pool filter supplies is just one.

To keep your pool in tip top condition and safe for you and your family you need to have a good quality filtration system and chemicals that do all sorts of testing and cleaning. This is the same if you have an above ground or in ground pool or spa. If you have a salt water or chlorinated pool you will still need swimming pool filter supplies. Apart from that type of cleaning you may find the need to also use a pool cleaner that is like a vacuum cleaner for use in the water.

Other things to think about are heaters whether solar or otherwise, covers, ladders, slides and so on. These are all added accessories and of course are not necessities but are very handy and useful depending on your needs.

Owning a pool or spa isn't always all good fun as like anything that you own it may be in the need of a replacement part at some stage of its life. When this happens you will need to know where to look for spares such as replacable filters for example. The Internet can be of great help in that situation, as you will have a wider range of options to choose from. You can of course always contact the place you bought your pool or spa from and get help there but often they can be more expensive.

The good thing is that you do have options. If you haven't already bought your pool or spa, make sure you take the time to check out what options you do have and what is entailed in owning a pool or spa before you jump in to quickly.

Sunday 1 February 2009

Inspecting your Swimming Pool

Inspecting your Swimming Pool

With the varied availability of swimming pool equipment and designs, you have a lot to think about when it comes to safety. Whether you use different types of swimming pool liners, or think about purchasing a new swimming pool toy, there are a lot of pool inspection tips you should consider. It may also help to ask questions at your local swimming pool supply shop, because talking to experts face to face about your swimming pool safety needs can help you in the long run.

Your swimming pool design and capacity

A lot of things depend on your pool's design and capacity. Some of these things include the amount of water treatment chemicals you'll need, the type of liner you should have, as well as the aesthetics of your swimming pool. It's important to calculate the average depth of your pool using this equation: Deep End (feet) + Shallow End (feet) ? 2 = Average Depth. It will help you determine your swimming pool capacity. The swimming pool design you choose will also aid you in buying the proper swimming pool covers that you will need during different seasons. Leaf-catcher covers are effective during summer, fall and spring, while a different swimming pool cover is available for winter. These allow you to keep your pools in top shape despite the seasonal and climatic changes. Almost any swimming pool supply shop has a good stock of covers for your swimming pool. Keep in mind that a well-covered swimming pool is a safe pool.

Getting the ideal swimming pool liner

The quality of your swimming pool liner is essential to your pool's water quality. This is because it prevents the water from being contaminated. It also maintains your water's pH, and helps keep algae and mildew from growing. Also consider the type of material used for your liner. Swimming pool liners are usually made with vinyl or plastic, and can be quite decorative.

Inground Swimming Pool Safety

The elegance of inground swimming pools attracts a lot of buyers. However, it is important to keep in mind that inground pools have their own safety risks. It is important to always have someone watch the pool such as a "lifeguard" or simply an adult who can swim. This is because children (and unmindful adults) have a higher tendency to fall into an inground swimming pool as opposed to an above ground swimming pool. It will help to keep your inground swimming pool covered when not in use, or fenced off in certain areas.

Safe swimming pool toys for added fun

While purchasing fun and colorful swimming pool toys can be exciting, there are some accessories that can be considered as a "must-have". Goggles are important, especially for children. There are also special swimming pool toys and floats available for toddlers. Swim aids such as swimming pool floats, swim belts, and water wings, are also considered as safe swimming pool toys. Your local swimming pool supply shops probably have a good toys department - take a look around in order to get the best prices.