Thursday 11 December 2008

The Art Of Swimming Pool Landscaping

You just fulfilled your dream of putting a swimming pool in your backyard, and you can already envision the amazing pool parties and neighborhood get-togethers that will fill your summer weekends for years to come. Only one thing stands between you and your first big party: the challenge of landscaping your swimming pool area. Staring at the blank canvas of yard around your pool can make swimming pool landscaping seem like a daunting task, but if you follow these easy tips, your poolside will be gorgeous.

Swimming Pool Landscaping Begins With The Right Fence And Decking

Fencing a swimming pool is a major safety precaution that every pool owner needs to follow. In fact, many cities require fences as a part of getting a swimming pool permit. Since your fence will be a major focal point around your pool take the time to choose one that will look attractive next to your house and provide a great backdrop for swimming pool landscaping. Don’t make the mistake of placing your fence too close to your pool, or you won’t have room to place plants around your pool.

Depending on the type of pool you have, the way that you surround your pool will vary. Above ground pools often have wrap around wooden decks and in ground pools are often wrapped in cement sidewalks or flagstones. Choose decking that compliments the shape of the pool, type of fence surrounding it, and the type of swimming pool landscaping you want to pursue. a website that you can learn how garden and patio landscaping walls can transform your backyard into your dream landscape.

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