Tuesday 12 January 2010

Custom Swimming Pools - Adding Value to Your Home

A custom swimming adds to the fun element of a home. It attracts children to splash rather than stay indoors (and worse, in front of the TV) all day! It is a place where adults can relax - all along offering the perfect setting for a house party. And not to forget the positives associated with swimming. More than the health value and fun quotient, custom swimming pools increase the value of a home.

Possibilities galore
Every pool or landscape designer has a different vision - a different method of working things out. This is reflected in their swimming pool designs. Your first step is to locate a design firm that can do justice to your needs and your property. They will prepare a blueprint for the swimming pool. You can choose from any number of shapes - the classic rectangular, or the neo-modern irregular. Between these two extremes are endless number of shapes - polygon, rounded corners, square, and kidney!

There is more. You can have a customize pool to fit in a small area, should you not have enough space to accommodate a 20X30 feet pool (with a depth of 6-8 feet). You don’t have to stick to the tried and tested - from waterfalls to geysers, your swimming pool could be inspired by nature's waterworks. So you can have ripples and currents in the pool, beaches. It’s absolutely nothing; not even space and your budget that comes between you and your dream backyard pool now.

And thanks to internet. You have options in abundance when it comes to choosing the right association to build your pool. Some firms are good at design; others are good at building safe pools; and there are ones specializing in both designing as well as building safe pools.

Certification and Permits
Custom swimming pools need a permit or compliance certificate from local authority before they can be constructed. The permission is provided by the authorities upon being convinced that the pool meets the ANSI recommendations and has been approved by a structural engineer.

A custom swimming pool, authorized by concerning authority and designed/developed by credible source, can add up as an accessory to your home’s beauty.

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